Thursday, 27 May 2010

Mr Gutz Features... THE BIG TEAM Scribble, Pre-order your copy today! >>Here<<

Thursday, 6 May 2010


Art Toy & Package design

This is me bellow working on the package design...

And the mess it left...

Monday, 3 May 2010

"Late" - April Update

April was a busy month, so busy i didn't get a chance to update.

6th - 16th - Over the two week Easter break I worked at the Tate Britain alongside a film and video workshop team for Young Tate. I helped run the Comic Release Project, a 2 week workshop for Young Londoner's aged 15-19 years old. The workshop enabled them to create a series of short viral video animations inspired by their own lives and the themes explored by some of the comic artists showing in The British Comic Art exhibition opening next month in June.

First week was three day introduction, Animation Training and Art Concepts

Second week was a trip to the Tate Modern where we did pixelation, Preparing and making final ideas and filming the viral video's as well as editing.

20th - 24th - Started and finished the layout building for my website page. Which will be open for the 1st of June. Featuring old and new work.

26th - 30th
- Worked on mixing some new music, Started working on the Packaging for Mr Taste*tastic, and produced these Five sticker designs (see bellow) set to be coloured from the 10th May (this month) Alongside another set of five designs and a poster design which im to produce this week.